Monday 23 January 2012

Brightness editing

Today I played with the brightness of some of my footage. As I filmed this during winter, it became dark very quickly. As filming progressed, the footage eventually got darker and darker. I played around with the brightness, contrast and hue saturation. This is a screen grab of the footage before and after.

Friday 20 January 2012


Today I edited some of my found footage. I downloaded the clip from youtube and inserted it into my project. Unfortunately, it did not fill the width of the screen. I magnified it so it went from the first image to the second image.

Problems with Filming

Today, I was supposed to start filming footage of my superhero. I had the costume prepared, location set and I was ready to start filming. However, my friend/ actor/ superhero called and told me he was ill. This meant I had to reschedule a filming time with him, borrow the superhero boots from my friend again, arrange lifts to the film location with my family and ask another friend to take production shots. Hopefully I can begin filming after school monday but I will have to use my free time to come and edit the footage.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Uploading and editing footage

Today I uploaded and edited some of my footage. I had taken some footage the day before with my Ipod. The school cameras were available but I wanted to catch some special effects on my Ipod using an app called Action Movie. I managed to film some great action scenes with it. I will use the school cameras and a tripod to film the pedestal shot of my Superhero. The only downfall to using my Ipod was that it was cold and it was difficult to hold still as I do not have a tripod for it. This is a screen grab of an action scene in my trailer.

Friday 13 January 2012

Photoshop Practise 2.

Photoshop practise

This is my first attempt at making a photoshop poster. This is one idea I like the look of for my actual poster. I like the black and white alley way in the background with the superhero central. I will experiment with my superhero and make another practise poster.

Friday 6 January 2012

Media Time Table

This is my Media Time table that I will try to stick to to aid the production of my coursework. The school dates given where I will be uploading/ editing footage is when I have access to the software and programming I need. On school dates, I have set myself blogging homework after each editing session. I will do the majority of my filming over weekends as I will have the most time to perfect my footage.