This is the audience profile for Superman Returns (2006). It was sourced from the Pearl and Dean website.
We can see many things from this graph. Firstly, 62% of the audience is Male. The audience is mostly male orientated. This is because the film genre is a super hero/ action film and may contain many scenes of action and violence. Action films are typically directed towards the male audience.
The second piece of information we can see here is that the highest age % that viewed this film was the 15-24 year old category. This again is because the genre is action and also the certification of this film is a PG-13 so you would have to be above this age to view.
The third piece of information we could see is the percentage of different social classes that view this film. From the table we can see that C1 was the highest with 30% shortly followed by AB with 27%. C1 is the lower middle class whilst AB is upper and middle class. It was more popular among the higher social classes than the working class but not by much. It seemed relatively popular among all social classes.
At the top of the table it states that this film is comparable to Spider Man 2. This could mean that most superhero films have the same typical audience.
This is a super hero action film much like the genre of film I hope to make. The characteristics of the audience will roughly be the same. I will be targeting the middle class males aimed 15-24.
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