This is an interesting trailer to analyse as it is hybrid genre of two very differing genres. The costume design in the first few seconds of this trailer suggest its a western film but the special effects of the spaceships suggest sci-fi. These two genres of films are mostly male orientated anyway which is why I would say this trailer appeals to the male audience of 16-25 years old.
The frequent mid shots and close up of characters suggest this is a character driven film with one of the unique selling points being the actors who star in it. Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig are the main protagonists within this film. Harrison Ford is well know for starring as 'Indiana Jones' and Daniel Craig is well known for starring as 'James Bond'. These two actors have a certain appeal as they starred in popular movies and are renowned for being talented actors.
Some of the pace of editing is extremely quick within this trailer. It highlights the number of gunshots, explosions and battle scenes there are in this obscure hybrid genre film. The number of explosions and gun shots supports the theory that this is targeted at the male audience.
There are some cliché s within this film specifically to the western/action genre with bar fights, chase scenes and everyone possessing a fire arm. The chase scenes between horse and space craft are somewhat different making this film unique in its own special way.
The diegetic beeping sound of Daniel Craig's bracelet is synchronous to the cuts of footage on the screen. In between these beeps we can see; a dog barking, a woman looking afraid and a man on horseback looking confused. The use of lighting is blinding as space crafts become visible and start wreaking havoc on the town. The battle seems quite unfair between aliens and the technologically impaired town folk, but the plot twists as Daniel Craig can use his technologically advanced bracelet against the attackers. The obscurity and originality of this film will make it appealing to the audience as it may seem refreshing because it is different in its own way.
The non-diegetic backing music to this trailer is 'Gasoline' by Audio Slave. The use of modern music with the 'awesome' guitar riffs makes the trailer look cool and hip, especially with the diegetic explosive sounds and war scenes overlying the music track.
The use of black and white footage at 1:49 implies a flashback or previous memory held by a key character. The story line may not follow a liner narrative as flashbacks will cause the story to jump backwards and forwards in time. Within this flashback we see a woman taken by the invaders. Dialogue spoken by Daniel Craig states 'She's the only one who knows who I am'. This may outline the plot further as the audience could assume Daniel Craig is looking for her.
I think this film will attract its target audience and may be a success due to the oddity and unnaturalness of this very cliché western/ sci-fi film.
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